Friday, Oct 4, 2024

Scandal City

Even he Just cannot handle Every day Another scandal And the opponents Braver, bolder After Clinton After Holder

Every day

Another mess

Benghazi and



What did they say?

What did they know?

Terror or

A video?


Why were cries

For help ignored

Where are the talking points

They stored


Guns were shipped

Across the border

Who’s the one

Who gave the order?


Who’s at fault

In Mexico?

Ask the AG

He don’t know


If perhaps

He won’t agree

He’ll tap the phones

Of Fox, AP


Will he say it

On his own?

Did he order

“Tap the phone!”?


Will his boss

Say, “It’s just noise”?

Pass it off

Boys will be boys


Scandals pop up

Big selection

Only after

The election


And the voters

Poor selection

Warrants truly

A defection


And scandals come

And scandals go

Passed off with

An “I don’t know”


But one still sits

Locked up for what?

While everyone says

“I forgot”


But when it comes

To one lone Jew

Everyone can

Blame him too


And suddenly they’re


And vilify

And make him hated


No excuse

No refrain

To just accuse

And serve up pain



My friends

Does reign

For a team

That’s so inane


So if I might

Even be bolder

Time to go

Dear Mr. Holder


And where you go
Perhaps you’ll need

To take Ms. Clinton

And Ms. Reade



New Beginnings

    It is interesting that although Rosh Hashanah is included in the Aseres Yemei Teshuvah, we don’t mention teshuvah in our tefillos and don’t

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