It’s all over
And Berel’s mad
It’s just not fair
He feels that he has been “had”
The other guy
He wished to lose
The guy he said
You must not choose
It seems to be
He did squeak by
With a promise
And a lie
The thought of it
Does make you squirm
The guy will have
Another term
You’ll write a letter
To Yated
Decrying everything he said
You’re so upset
How could he win?
Who are the fools
Who let him in
You’ll start to work
On his demise
The world will see his
Blatant lies
Perhaps he, too
Will soon get caught
When they find out
That he was “bought”
The little guy in city council
You thought would not mean
“One old ounce’l”
Just was the vote
That passed a law
With stuff we never
Heard before
The small town judge
You did not care
A case however he may hear
And now it matters how he’ll rule
If they allow to build a shul
Don’t think your vote
Just did not matter
A lousy world
I think got badder
He yelled, he screamed
He raved and ranted
Worthless were
The words he chanted
And some now pout
And some now gloat
R’ Berel yelled
But did not vote