Did its pilot act alone
Or was he forced to fly
And months before this dastard act
He lived his life a lie?
Is the plane now parked somewhere
In deserts of Iran?
Is it a conspiracy
Or just some awful plan?
How does a giant airplane
Just fall from the sky
In the age of “we know all”
And government’s great eye?
Is there nothing we can do
To find something that’s lost?
Aren’t we the USA
And win despite the cost?
My friends we oft forget, I say
That we are mortal too
And often need reminders that
There’s nothing we can do
The tragedy I know is great
For all two-ninety-three
Yes every single passenger
And every family
But all the world does sit
Another piece of news
No meaning for their empty lives
There’s nothing they can use
But lessons, there are countless
If there’s no apathy
From every world occurrence
Triumph or tragedy
Is there really lost or gone
In worlds that shall endure?
Is there really sickness
The One Above can’t cure?
Is there any real lost cause
And shall we lose our hope?
Is there any test we get
If there’s no way to cope?
Our lives are filled with missing links
And some fall from the sky
Occurrences we can’t explain
Or know the reason why
We all have real tough questions
Throughout our history
But we stand strong
With emunah
Through every mystery
Each tragedy we face in life
They have a silent “why”
Whether missing from this earth
Or falling from the sky
But our motto still rings strong
For when all this is over
We’ll understand
The Master Plan
And that gam zu letovah