It’s coming!
Matan Torah’s soon
Is your learning
Bust or boon?
Are you shteiging
All alone
With shiurim
On your phone
Have you liked the
Is bedidus
Now your mood?
Or do you sit around
And brood?
Are you learning
In your room
With a hook-up
Or a Zoom?
Your chavrusah
Do meet
In a yard
Behind a sheet?
Tosafos kushya
Do you ask
Social distant
With a mask?
Know mein kind
You’re not alone
Long before
The Zoom or phone
Gedolei olam
Sat and learned
During wars
When countries burned
Hidden in
A loft or attic
In situations
More dramatic
In tiny shuls
Were forced to go
Their clothes unwashed
Their hair would grow
With meager rations
All alone
With no videos
Nor Zoom nor phone
Pogroms and more
Yeshivos, shuls
Would shut their door
But great yechidim
They stood strong
Alone they sang
The Torah’s song
No matter how
No matter when
They’d sit and learn
And thus don’t ask
How are you learning?
Instead let’s ask
How are we yearning?
As we count
The final days
We must explore
The many ways
The many paths
To reach the goal
To raise our heights
To lift the soul
We all must grow
We must conform
When our setting’s
Not the norm
And push ourselves
These final weeks
To each of us
The Torah speaks
In a desert
Flowers bloom
And we can grow
Stuck in a room
For Torah is not limited
When we are truly riveted
And we shall merit it’s kabbolah
Despite the outside world’s behalah!