Thursday, Feb 13, 2025

Chagigah 27: The Fire of Torah

On this daf, we find that the flames of gehennom do not burn talmidei chochomim.

The Arizal explains that this is one reason why Hashem brings people back to Earth through the mechanism of gilgulim. Since gehennom cannot burn them, this is the only way to rectify their sins.

Rav Tzadok Hakohein of Lublin explains that this statement also alludes to talmidei chochomim in this world: “In this world, the fire of illicit desire is the searing flame of gehennom. This is explicit in the words of our sages regarding anger, and the same is true regarding other burning desires. As is well known, one’s thoughts have a vast influence on what he does and who he becomes. A talmid chochom is always connected to the Torah that is compared to fire. Since he himself becomes a holy fire, the fire of illicit desire and the like have no impact on him.

“A talmid chochom who has reached this level is filled with love due to the sweetness of Torah that is continually renewed in his heart.

“Even a talmid chochom who has not yet reached this level will do genuine teshuvah for any sin he may have committed as soon as possible, since the light of Torah will bring him back” (Shaar Hagilgulim; Resisei Laylah; Machsheves Charutz; Pri Tzaddik).

Hadron Aloch Maseches Chagigah



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