Monday, May 6, 2024

Hearing the Shofar Every Day

The Day is here The Day of Awe The Day when we proclaim His Kingship…

When the call of the shofar

Is to arouse us from our slumber

When we try to cleanse ourselves from sin…

The awesome tefillos

The haunting melodies

The words of “mi yichyeh umi yomus

Are to shake us to our very core


The Day is here

The Day of Awe

The day when we proclaim His Kingship…


When the call of the children

Is to arouse us from our slumber

While we try to cleanse ourselves from sin

The cries of a baby

The songs of a mother

As she hushes her child

To the tune of “mi yichyeh umi yomus

Shaking her to her very core


When we yearn to be in shul

With Klal Yisroel

When we wish with all our hearts and souls

To be able to penetrate the gates of heaven

With our tefillos

When we cajole our children, ply them with treats

So they will enable us to daven, to beseech Hashem on their and our behalf

When our prayers are interrupted

Intermingled with their cries…


Rosh Hashanah, a day like no other

A day to rehash the year

A day to begin the Days of Repentance

A day to cleanse ourselves from sin

A day when we think of all the tragedies –

All the “shofar blows” of the year


Rosh Hashanah, a day like no other

A day to rehash the year

While performing motherly duties

A day to begin the Days of Repentance

While interacting with our children

A day to cleanse ourselves from sin

While cooking and cleaning, dressing and feeding

A day when we think of all the tragedies –

All the “shofar blows” of the year

When we try to remember that our children’s cries

Are our most important “shofar blows”


Rosh Hashanah and then Yom Kippur

Days to cherish

Days to remember

That Hashem gave us these gifts

Our precious children


Days to plumb the depths of the brachah

That we recite daily — she’asani kirtzono

That we were created according to Hashem’s will

Days to remember that every cry from our children

Every altercation, every boo-boo, every mess

Every smile, every milestone

Is our own, personal shofar blow with all its inherent rachamei Shomayim


Rosh Hashanah and then Yom Kippur

Days to cherish

Days to contemplate as we go about our chores

That we are each a kohein gadol doing the avodah

In our home, our mikdosh me’at


Days to hear the shofar and harken

Our families are our ruchniyus!

Days to remember that our purpose in life

Is to educate our children

Lead our children

Show them what it means to be a Yid

All the while, praying at every possible moment

While performing motherly duties

Cooking and cleaning, dressing and feeding

Praying in our hearts, minds and souls

That Hashem should lead us and them along the proper path

That Hashem should fill our hearts and souls with the strength of spirit

To guide our families and raise the seemingly mundane responsibilities of our lives

To a higher plane – to that of hearing our daily “shofar blows”



Save the Date

    Imagine that you’re a bear. On a certain crisp morning, you amble toward a certain river and position yourself at a certain spot

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