On this daf, we find the prohibition against wearing shatnez. A certain man wished to purchase a new woolen suit, but since it might be shatnez, he wondered if he was allowed to try it on.
When this question was presented to the Minchas Yitzchok, he ruled leniently: “According to the authorities that one may wear shatnez to fool a dishonest tax collector, since wearing this garment is an unavoidable result of a different purpose, just trying on a garment that may be shatnez may also be permitted, since this, too, is merely an unavoidable result of his need to ascertain if the garment is his size. Since we hold that an unavoidable result of an action that may or may not be a prohibition is permitted, it follows that he may try the garment on” (Shu”t Minchas Yitzchok 4:15).