It was just before the Kaddish prior to Mussaf on Shemini Atzeres and the Ateres Yehoshuah was leading the davening. He turned to those assembled and said, “In the first Mishnah in Gittin (brought on Yevamos 25), we find that one who brings a get from outside of Eretz Yisroel must say, ‘Befonai nechtav uvefonai nechtam — It was written and singed before me.’
“As we stand here right before petitioning Hashem to send rain and dew, which alludes to all the material and spiritual needs of the Jewish people, let us consider that the word ‘get’ is an acronym for geshem and tal, rain and dew. In Taanis we find that rain is one of the three keys that Hashem does not give to a messenger. We see that Hashem brings the get, rain and dew. ‘From Medinas hayom’ alludes to the spiritual sources of water that symbolize kindness and spiritual bounty. Hashem says, ‘It was written and signed before Me.’ All of us and the entire Jewish people will be written and sealed in the book of life!”
The Ateres Yehoshuah turned around and tearfully sang the Kaddish in a festive but moving tune (Siach Zekeinim, Part III, 73).