On this daf, our sages consider the possibility that the Torah commands a yovom to name his son after his deceased brother. There are many places where the custom is to name after relatives of the newborn child.
The marriage of the daughter of Rabbeinu Yonah to Shlomo, the son of the Ramban, was celebrated with great joy. Sadly, Rabbeinu Yonah passed away while they were expecting their first son. After the birth, the Ramban said, “The Gemara teaches that the sun of a tzaddik does not set until the light of the next tzaddik has already begun to shine. Although the prevalent custom among us is to call the first boy after the father’s father, it is my wish that this child be named after his maternal grandfather.”
In accordance with the Ramban’s directive, they called the baby Yonah—and, indeed, he grew to be a great teacher and leader among the Jewish people (Shu”t HaRashbash).