Tuesday, Feb 18, 2025

What to Write

In the cold and dreary winter When all things seem to freeze The lines become more difficult When once they came with ease Afternoons get darker And day is quick to night And thoughts are clouded in my mind Just thinking what to write

Perhaps of Bibi’s visit

Obama’s disregard

Noch ah mohl to knock the prez

Now that’s not very hard


Every week I can

Write about Obama

And fill my readers up with fear

And surely lots of drama


But that my friends

Is old news

And so depressing too

To warm the air

They brought me here

And not to sadden you!


I can speak of lotteries

And half a billion prize

But why should I

Just wave such news

Right before your eyes?


Of course the news

About the snow

Does not seem to cease

As weather really always is

A conversation piece


But boring is not gonna work

And old news won’t excite

So once again I pondered

“What will Bashevkin write?”


And then I realized


Will come to my head

There’s always something

You can find

On pages of Yated!


And if you want


Well into the night

Then I can sum up

All the news

That comes from Readers Write


Who ever thought a Jewish star

Does not belong in shul

And almond milk can be milchigs

Only if it’s cool


And whether camps

Should not end late

So bochurim can leave

After all, they run sometimes

‘Till Rosh Hashanah eve!


Shidduchim references you know

Are not so simply said

Learn about the things to say

From reading the Yated!


Of course, the dangers and lessons

Of carbon monoxide

And letting your car warm up

With you sitting inside


Nebach, the poor lady

My wife knows how she feels

When dancing someone smashed her hard

Wearing those high heels!


From donut darshans

To the law

Of picking while “no standing”

And something about languages

(I have no understanding)


And anecdotes

And silly jokes

And poems both sad and witty

And letters about Yiddish names

That vary by each city


Thank you all those readers

Who took the time to write

And helped Bashevkin make his way

Through the deadline tonight!



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