It seems to shake the kinderlach
About to start the year
With images of burned-out shells
And safe rooms filled with fear
Oh avreichim, you’re on the way
To kollelim to learn
Your rebbetzins are also gone
They leave their homes to earn
So that you can sit in peace
And horeveh and grow
That kol haTorah kulah
One day you will know
And suddenly a blast is heard
And all begin to hurry
In all directions panicking
Activity a-flurry
Gone are thoughts of Tosafos
Or some new shvereh p’shat
As he now prays the kids are safe
And that no one is shot
He drives a cab
From morn to night
To put food on his table
And any minute he can spare
He learns if he is able
And suddenly
While on the street
A shriek sounds in the sky
The pedal pressed
Down to the floor
His cab begins to fly
Around him
All the vehicles
Are spinning helter-skelter
Looking in a minute
For some sort of form of shelter
The makolet was bustling
As Elul came to call
And people are preparing
For Yom Tovim and all
Their wagons filled with groceries
And kids along in tow
When suddenly the sound began
At first it started low
And then it shrieked
A different sort of sound
And this time
Everybody froze
With awe they looked around
This was not a siren
It came not from Tzahal
This blast was filled with holiness
The way “shtait in Chazal”
For this was not a siren
That warned us of our foes
It was a blast we waited for
A sound that a Yid knows
For finally the true blast came
The one to end all fear
The shofar Eliyahu sounds
To say Moshiach’s here