Tuesday, Feb 18, 2025

The Flame

On the first night of Chanukah, standing behind one of the great tzaddikim, watching him gaze intensely for almost an hour at the ner Chanukah, Bashevkin muses, “What could be some of the many thoughts he sees through the depths of the flickering ner?” I sat that night And watched him stare At a tiny Glinting ner

He sees the flame

He sees the wicks

And suddenly

His eyes transfix


I stand away

And wonder what

The rebbe sees

That I see not


In that small flame

What does he see?




A burning bush

That does entice?

The fire burning

In thick ice?


Perhaps he sees

Within the spark

The amud aish

That lights the dark


Or just the fire

Aharon brought

Day in, day out

No change, as taught


And standing back

Behind his chair

Gazing as

I watch him stare

A tiny krechtz

Is what I hear


And now I know

What he does see

The fire of

A destiny


The flames that come

From Paris carts

When burning our

Souls and hearts


The flames from Spain’s

Auto de fé

From Chelminicki’s

Foul play


From pogroms

Through the Russian night


Do ignite


His eyes now close

He stops the stares

And from those eyes

The flow of tears


He shuckels, stops

And then a smile

It widens and

Remains a while


And eyes that pierced

The flames he lit

Now drift upward

Just a bit


And back he looks

I know he saw

The fire that

We all wait for


That will descend

So suddenly

To build our home

Bayis Shlishi


And from the flame

Before his eyes

The secret of

The smile lies


For what he feels

His ner does burn

Aharon’s menorah

Shall return



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