I start this poem
The summit’s on
And by the time I end
The summit’s off
Oh no! It’s on!
Well, really, “it depends!”
I am not sure
Who’s here at fault
We all like to point fingers
And then accuse
With tweets and taunts
And sound bytes
Filled with zingers
Middle East
China, it’s the same
Everyone but the culprits
Will always point and blame
Be it Gaza’s violent crew
Who threaten to attack
Will blame those who
Defend themselves
If they dare shoot back
Kim Jong Un can threaten
And call Mike Pence a dope
And if the prez dares answer back
Kim will kvetch and mope
The liberals and UN will scream
And yell and shout
It’s Israel’s fault for fighting back
They’ll scream without a doubt
Everyone just loves to join
They all will play the game
Like 1-800-You Got Junk
Just simply “point and blame”
Ukrainians blame Russians
Putin blames them back
The Taliban blames Afghans
The Indians blame “Pak”
The Dems blame the Republicans
Of course, Trump blames the news
But everyone surely knows
Always blame the Jews!
I cannot solve the problems
Of such a global world
With all the issues changing
And new crises unfurled
Perhaps, though, in my own life
Among my Jewish brothers
Perhaps look first
To blame myself
Instead of blaming others!