Tuesday, Oct 8, 2024

Taanis 29: Nullifying Negative Decrees

On this daf, we find a terrible decree against Rabbon Gamliel that was subsequently annulled.

Once, there were terrible decrees against the klal. After things began getting more and more pressured, an additional decree was passed that made things even harder. The Chasam Sofer was very upset by this final decree and was heard to say, “I have no choice but to complain on high.”

He gathered all the Jews of the city and gave a fiery discourse: “Our sages teach that when the Jewish people enter shul and recite amein yehei shmei rabbah mevorach, a heavenly voice emerges and says, ‘Fortunate is the King who is praised in His house. What is it to the father whose children have been exiled? Woe to the children who have been exiled from their Father’s table.’

“Hashem doesn’t need the Bais Hamikdosh or our sacrifices. Does He eat meat? Surely His entire pleasure is that He commanded us and we do what He said to fulfill His will. It follows that when we are in exile and still do Hashem’s will, He has the same pleasure from us as He did when the Bais Hamikdosh stood. It is even possible to give Hashem greater pleasure when we do His will despite the hardships of bitter exile. As our sages teach, the Jewish people are likened to a date palm that has only one heart. We, too, have only one heart for our Father in heaven.

“We see that He loses nothing from our exile. It is we who lose while in exile, since when we offered sacrifices on the altar, Hashem’s presence shined on us and we could attain ruach hakodesh. Due to our many sins, we were exiled from our land, and we cannot ascend three times a year to fulfill our duty. This is the meaning of the heavenly voice. Hashem says, ‘What is it to the father whose children have been exiled?’ What does He lack when we are in exile? Nothing at all. He still gets at least the same pleasure when we do His will as He did before. But ‘Woe to the children who have been exiled from their Father’s table,’ completely bereft of all spiritual good…”

Shortly after this, the difficult decrees were nullified (Bais Sofrim).



New Beginnings

    It is interesting that although Rosh Hashanah is included in the Aseres Yemei Teshuvah, we don’t mention teshuvah in our tefillos and don’t

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