On this daf, we find that we say Hallel on the first of Teves, since it is Chanukah and Rosh Chodesh.
There is a dispute whether women are obligated to say this Hallel, since they, too, were part of this miracle. When one person learned about this dispute, he decided to clarify the halacha in this matter. When this question was presented to Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, he ruled that women are not obligated to say Hallel on Chanukah: “Our sages did not decree this Hallel due to the special miracles of Chanukah. We light the menorah to commemorate all the miracles Hashem wrought for us during those troubled days, and one should have in mind all these miracles when lighting the menorah. One who only thinks about the miracle of the oil has omitted an important kavanah of lighting.
“The Hallel we say on Chanukah is like Hallel said every Yom Tov. Just as women are not obligated on a regular Yom Tov, they are not required to say Hallel on Chanukah. Of course, they can elect to say Hallel with a brocha just like they may do every Yom Tov” (Halichos Shlomo, Chanukah).