Did you ever get a funny feeling
When one starts praising you?
“I loved your speech!” “You sing so nice”
“You’re great at what you do!”
“I love the way you daven”
“I love the way you lain”
I know it may feel good inside
But…responding is a pain
Indeed, you are quite proud inside
But want to remain humble
You nod your head, your face turns red
And you begin to mumble
You don’t want to agree with them
You do not want to boast
And say, “You’re right! I do sing great
My fans they love me most!”
But to refute, you are not sure
Is it false humility?
To even try, falsely deny
The gift, your capability
“Nah! It really was not good
My speech was unprepared!
The song I sang, it was off key
At least that’s what I heard”
The fellow wants to make you proud
And say how he admired
But you protest
What he addressed
The fact that you inspired
“Yasher koach! What a job!”
And you begin to blush
You’d like to say
“Just go away!”
And leave them in a rush!
“Hashem gave me this talent
Nothing to do with me
I know I got there on the stage
For everyone to see
“But I don’t want the cheers and claps
Going to my head
I know I had them mesmerized
But gaavah I do dread
“I don’t want to ignore them
I’d look just like a snob
But why the cheers and the applause?
To me it’s just a job
“I know the paper came out great
It took hours of work
But I don’t want to beat my chest
Or leave him with a smirk
“You really liked my painting?
To me it was a breeze
I can make a thousand more like those
Doing it with ease!
“You loved the speech I gave last week
At that great big convention?
Please line up here and compliment
I sure love the attention!”
I’m sure that some would love it
To be praised every day
But it’s not healthy for your head
When people talk that way
Yet, everyone feels good inside
To be appreciated
Despite the mushy compliments
That make you overrated
“I loved the poem you wrote last week”
Bashevkin sometimes hears
“I’m not sure who the writer is
So tell him (if he cares)
“I’m sure that he’ll be glad to know
That we appreciate
Although we’re not sure who he is
We still reciprocate”
So, for all the complimenters
I think what’s best to do
Smile humbly and just say
“I appreciate. Thank you.”