Wednesday, Feb 19, 2025

Rosh Hashanah 34: Holy Efforts

On this daf, we find some halachos of blowing the shofar.

There is a fascinating teaching of Rav Levi Yitzchok of Berditchev about the merit that enables our shofar to sweeten all judgments on Rosh Hashanah: Once, when it was time to blow the shofar on Rosh Hashanah, Rav Levi Yitzchok gave the congregation an inspiring talk. “How can we find merit to propel our tekiyos on High? The only thing I can think of, here and now, is the intense cleaning done by Jewish women in preparation for Pesach. They scrubbed and cleaned, removed and kashered any chometz in their domain. The initials of the words in Yiddish for these labors form tashrak, which is the acronym of all four sounds of the shofar tekiah, shevarim, teruah, tekiah. It is only in their merit that our tekios will ascend on High, sweetening the judgments for the coming year” (Siach Sarfei Kodesh).



Fidelity to the Truth

  We are meant to learn lessons from current events. Today’s headlines connect to the first Rashi in this week’s parsha. A new president took

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My Take on the News

    Hamas Releases Another Three Hostages Another Shabbos has gone by, and another three hostages have come home. This week saw the return of

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