For what I muse
And what I write
May only work
For Purim night
And all the silly things
I say
May just make sense
For Purim day
Perhaps please hold it
For the seudah
Where there are drinks
And lots of foodah
(Okay my rhyme
Is kind of crudah
It’s good you’re in
A better mooda
How do ya, do ya
Like Reb Shmuel Kunda)
So read a line
And take a drink
But most of all
Prepare to think
About the depth
Not of my word
But rather ‘bout
A world absurd
Where topsy-turvy
Sure does reign
Distinguished men
They act insane
The poor are fine
The rich complain
A world of Haman
If you see
That “Kol zeh aino
Shoveh lee”
There could be war
Nuclear fate
Perhaps a terror
Next-door state
Makes no difference
Can’t you see
“Kol zeh aino
Shoveh lee”
As long as Yankel
Sits and learns
They really have
Not one concern!
Just shlep him out
To the army
Yes, “Kol zeh aino
Shoveh lee”
A world where
Shall rise
The world cannot
Believe their eyes
Lo and behold
To their surprise
Hashem does magic
For each dor
My friend, we’ve been here
Times before
They try to stop us
Every tie-em!
But instead
We drink lechayim!
(Insert drink here!)
Paroh forced
Our slavery
Ended sinking
In the sea!
Down he went
In Yam Suf’s mayim
Let’s drink lechayim!
(Insert drink here!)
Burned us down
Indeed the golus
Is around
But we are still
Around today!
Where’s the cabernet?
(Insert drink here!)
Chmielnicki thought he’d win
He said, “The Jews!
We’ll do them in!”
Like Haman
He could not fargin!
But we’re still here
To their chagrin!
Lechayim! Try some
Rose de Vin!
(Insert drink here!)
Yes! Hitler, that
Yemach shemo
Said to Haman
“You, I’ll show!”
Indeed, he took
So many souls
But he would never
Reach his goals
Netzach Yisroel
Lo yeshaker
They are gone
Yet we are here
(Once again
Insert drink here!)
Oh yes, my friends
I do not finish
Pain I mean not
To diminish
But it is Purim
Focus high!
And up toward Heaven
Turn your eye!
And just say, “Thank you”
Don’t ask, “Why?”
Another drink
Will you supply?
(Insert drink here!)
And sing!
And dance!
And fill with bliss!
Remembering at least just this
No matter what
They want to do!
There’s a Purim
For the Jew!
Hashem will always
Get us through
With messengers
For me and you
Like Boruch Haman!
Whoops! The Jew!
Forgot who’s who!
Boruch Bashevkin?
I cannot rhyme
I don’t know the reason for it
(Was that supposed to be?
I don’t know why!)
It can’t be drink
Why I can’t think
I’m not sure if I had any
They say I’ve had
A few too many!
So I guess
I’ll quit
While I’m ahead
Ah Freilichin Purim!
Off to bed!