The 1st of Adar
They declared
Remember all
The things
When shared
A field that’s planted
Crops are mixed
Remember that
It must be fixed!
But there’s another
Item shared
It’s a whole
When it is paired
A shekel coin
Is split into
A half is given
By each Jew
Indeed, there’s one
When there are two!
That sort of mix
Is not kelayim!
It’s mefarseim
K’vod Shomayim
In fact I’ll share
A fact well-known
About these mixtures
Seeds when sown
That years long past
The shekolim given
An evil man
Was madly driven
To wipe the Jews
Right off the map
Don’t worry, King!
Won’t leave a gap!
But Haman’s plan
Did fall apart
Because our shekolim
From the start
Knocked his “talents”
Out of play
And thus
We celebrate today
It’s no joke
So do not laugh
A meager half
Behind the half
That comes from you
There is a second
Holy Jew
And unity…
Is one from two