Ma! I’m leaving in three days
I’m pumped and truly wired
But I don’t know
If I can go!
My passport has expired!
I’m going back to sem again
What will my teachers say?
I mamish had a yeridah
Because I went away!
I haven’t learned Shiurei Daas
It mamish doesn’t paas
How can chutz la’aretz rate
To a Yerushalmi gaas?
Why are there fifty seltzers
Sitting in the closet?
“Ma!” he said
“I’m saving them
To get back the deposit!”
“Who saw my Borsalino hat?
It’s only two weeks old!
“Did Eliezer sit on it?”
He screamed as his eyes rolled
Who’s going to the cleaners
We have six suits to clean
2 kittels and just 20 shirts
And skirts about 13!
I have to do a Costco!
Of course a Gourmet Glatt
And then I’ll go right back again
To get stuff I forgot
Yeshiva starts tomorrow
For those of you in town
And those who start Rosh Chodesh
Please just don’t “hang around”
The phone is ringing off the hook
Perhaps you have a ride?
I’ll chap the best bed in the dorm
I got a guy inside!
I threw out all the makeup
That’s what my morah said
So I must get a whole new set!
(I know, Ma, nothing red!)
I have to get right back on track
A week I’ve missed the daf!
I can’t come to the Meadowlands
And see the oilam scoff!
My boss, he isn’t happy
He says there’s work to do
While I shvitzed in my office
You dreyed in the Bronx Zoo!
Yes, Pesach now is over
And crumbs are coming back
And chometz will be everywhere
In every kid’s knapsack
And soon we’ll have to clean again
But I would rather worry
That Moshiach should come soon
And we’ll leave in a hurry!