And from her tiny hovel
That holy woman cried
The anguish of the thousands
Whose pain she bore inside
And shared their joy
And blessings
And reveled in good news
From thousands
Upon thousands
Of different types of Jews
It made no difference to her
Where all the girls came from
They were just holy daughters
Now on Rechov Rashbam
“Please pray that I have children!”
“My bashert I’ve not found”
“My child has a tumor”
Requests and pleas resound
They came to watch her daven
To see a Minchah prayed
They stood and watched the holiness
They came, they watched, they stayed
Devoted to a husband
Whose Torah lights the world
And made a home
For all he’s shown
The Torah all unfurled
Her father bears the greatest yoke
With p’sak for generations
His daughter’s prayers
Brought to the world
So much hope, salvation
Her home was an open house
To any Jewish soul
Who came to share a Shabbos meal
Aliyah as their goal
And with tears pouring
From their eyes
The thousands said goodbye
While asking questions in their heart
“Why, dear Tatte, why?”
The Steipler and the Chazon Ish
Theirneshei chayil too
All stood to greet their newest guest
Whose greatness they all knew
And questions linger in our heart
And joy and sadness mingle
When simchas Yom Tov
Leaves us doubts
Our spines shiver and tingle
The Jewish nation
Got back Shalit
Amidst G-d’s praise and cheer
And secretly inside each heart
Lay resignation, fear
Unspoke emotions
Racked us all
With very little said
When more questions than answers
Swarmed in every head
But somehow joy
Can mitigate
The questions that we ask
When in feigned glory
We rejoice
And in the spotlight bask
Maybe when such evil
Is leashed upon us all
Released to spew their venom
In methods that will gall
We need the prayers
Of tzaddikim
Tzidkaniyos who cry
To ask dear Tatte
That question
“Dearest Father: Why?”