And presidents
Are helpless
Despite the words they speak
Pleading to their citizens
While sounding very weak
And governments
Have lost control
Old friends are enemies
And once powerful
Have no economies
It seems each year
These things occur
As we begin September
Just around the Holy Days
I think we all remember!
Is it Madoff
Or the Market
And all those types of crashes
Or hurricanes
At whom His power lashes
In just two weeks
We’ll gather
To pray
To cry
To sing
To herald in
The One Above
Declaring He is King
But all the months
It slips our minds
We waltz throughout the year
Forgetting just
Who pulls the strings
Living without fear
But somehow summer
Comes around
And strange things just arise
To open up our eyes
He wants to make it easy
He wants to make it clear
He wants us to remember
To pray for a sweet year
‘Cause everything that happened
Was pledged a year ago
This year I hope I daven
As if that fact I know
So that next year in Elul
I shall not write about our tzaros