The wall I thought
Would shield us all
I laid my faith
On that great wall
But now it’s broken
There’s a breach
In walls no longer
I beseech
The food is gone
The hunger rages
Dying, starving
Children, sages
I thought we had
This thick strong wall
The one that would
Defeat them all
Inside those walls
We’d live our wants
And treat our friends
With jest and taunts
And nothing there
To instill fear
We treated others
Without care
The world at large
They were shut out
And inside we
Could scream and shout
For no one knew
Of our fits
Of breaks and fights
And of shul splits
Of brothers whose
Fathers had passed
Expecting legacies
To last
And fractionation
Brawls and conflicts
In our nation
We thought that we’d
Just hide it all
Behind the stones
Of that great wall
But lo my friend
That wall is cracked
And every move
We make
Is tracked
And known
And broadcast
To the troops
Who point and jeer
“How low she stoops!”
That nation who
Was once the might
The moral compass
Guiding light
Is now behind
The open wall
And shamed
About to fall!
But if we band
Our hands together
And spirits as one
Do we tether
We shall make
A wall anew
A wall that’s thicker
Than we knew
A wall will make
As one the Jew
And for each other
He shall do!
And stand together
Proud and true
For that wall
You should know
Chabur atzavim
Hanach lo
For if we’re bound
As tight as one
The wall will seal
Our job then done
And from above
Down from the skies
The Bais Hamikdosh
Will soon rise