Thursday, Dec 12, 2024

Megillah 5: A True Transformation

On this daf, we find some halachos of reading the Megillah.

Rav Nosson of Breslov reveals a deeper dimension into the Yomim Tovim of Chanukah and Purim: “On Chanukah and Purim, Hashem helped us overcome the kingdom of Yovon and the evil Haman, who were jealous of us and wanted to keep us from serving Hashem. Haman didn’t want any Jew to be left alive. However, Hashem, in His great mercy, didn’t abandon us. He turned our grief and anguish into joy. Not only did they fail abysmally, but we gained two holy Yomim Tovim, Chanukah and Purim, which have sustained us throughout our long exile. We see, then, that their very attempt to destroy us has actually been the means through which we have gained the strength we need to survive until the redemption. The events that led up to our deliverance have made us worthy of receiving new and powerful spiritual illuminations and new mitzvos: the lighting of the menorah, recitation of Hallel, and the special Torah readings on Chanukah; and the reading of the Megillah, sending of mishloach manos, contributions to the poor, and the festival meal and drinking on Purim.

The descent turned into an ascent—this is the character of Chanukah and Purim, and it can also be true for everyone all the time. Every day, and at every moment, Hashem is orchestrating events in the most miraculous way to prevent us from falling completely. On the contrary, He turns all of our falls into ascents if we are only willing and try our best to begin again. This is the essence of doing teshuvah out of love, through which all of our sins are transformed into merits. This is how we can rise ever higher in our service of Hashem (Halichos Even Yisroel, Rosh Hashanah).



The Divine Hand

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I Beg Your Pardon

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Its Time to Daven

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