A doctor who sees patients
Who feel under the weather
Instead of seeing one by one
They come in all together
This one has a stomachache
Another’s head has pain
One thinks he’s Napoleon
Another acts insane
There’s little time
To treat them all
The way they should be seen
Yet somehow they’re
All thrust on him
Like he is a machine
Imagine a house painter
Who paints for rich folks
They give him 30 cans of paint
And one brush for the strokes
“Paint it all one color
You must use every shade
I want the room just beautiful”
(And he is hardly paid)
Welcome to the classroom
Where neshamos abound
And each one is so different
As each one is profound
And put in front a rebbi
A teacher or a morah
And to these different kinderlach
You must teach one Torah
One has trouble reading
Another jumps the gun
And Yanky just sits and daydreams
And looks to have some fun
Of course there are some tutors
Who are great one on one
But our system packs our classrooms
And then says, “Get it done!”
So as the school year closes
Think about the task
And is a great big “thank you”
A call too much to ask?
For every boy inside the class
Or girl within the grade
Unique approaches to each one
Is how the word’s conveyed
A lawyer could not do it
A doctor, he would fail
The cases he would surely lose
And patients would still ail
So as the school year
Closes soon
And all the kids run free
Take a moment just to think
How hard it would be
For any other craftsman
Or doc or CPA
To run a business or his work
In that same teacher’s way
And give a yasher koach
To those who teach your crew
And thank them for the super work
That they forever do!