What I witnessed
Wednesday night
Never have seen
Such a sight
One fellow
Said he’s Chaim
He asked me
To write this time
He said to me
The scene I see
It simply
Mesmerizes me
I cannot reason
Cannot rhyme
My friend I’m stuck
For words this time
I’m overwhelmed
I cannot think
My poet’s pen
Has lost its ink
I’ll write
Of a guard
I knew it wouldn’t
Be too hard!
And said I’d write
My point of view
Though Talmud
I can never do!
So Bashevkin
Took a break
And here’s a simple
Watchman’s take
Yes, all of you should
Stand out proud!
Never saw a nicer crowd
Thanks, Bashevkin
Who allowed
Me to write
My thoughts aloud!
I stand and guard
This place all year
And watch the people
Scream and cheer!
They fight when players
Get a goal
And shout when they play
Rock and roll
They scream, “Go green!”
They scream “Go blue!”
And guarding them
Is what I do!
So here’s my take
My point of view
They piled in
With spirits high
Every single
Type of guy
Some caps black
And tightly fitted
Some were colored
They were knitted
Some wore white shirts
Others ties
Some wore tee shirts
Some cool guys
And girls and ladies
Also came
They looked different
Yet the same
Could not understand
What game
Could bring a crowd
So kind and tame!
But this was no
Game at all
Each came in
All standing tall
No one passed
Or kicked a ball
Nothing like the games
Next fall!
Easiest bag check
In my life
Not a gun
And not a knife!
And then the crowd
Sat in the rain
I thought at first
They were insane!
Not one did grumble
Or complain!
They just were
On a higher plane!
And then the program
It did start
And the heavens
Seem to part!
Oh! My goodness
Bless my heart!
For this nation
Set apart!
Some nice fellow
He felt homey
Kept saying words
Like Daf Yomee
I’m not sure
What that does be
But sure sounds like
Great stuff to me!
Another fellow
From LA
Said you do it
Every DAY!
Some rabbis spoke
The Yiddish tongue
Some words
Familiar rung
(Lived in Willy
When was young)
But most I could not
Until it came to
Raaabbi Frand
He said some deep stuff
It was grand
And said
And one scene
I must recap
A guy gets up
A colored cap
A blue kippah
Yes he had on
I think He knows
My friend
Says some words
Ended “Amein”
Dancing, hugging!
Joy and splendor
No difference
Of age or gender
No one even
Got a goal!
No one won
The Superbowl!
So my friend
I say to you
That night was holy
That I knew
And all the speeches
I forgot
Except the one line