Wednesday, Feb 12, 2025

Just Rhyming

I truly do apologize
I write about the news
But yesterday was just too much
So I was asked to choose

Someone to recap all the news
In a way you could remember
I asked Bashevkin to recap
The effects of November

And so with flair the story’s told
About almost every order
From DOGE to regulations
And shutting down our border

He swept in like a hurricane
(I won’t use the word blaze)
He left the fellow leaving
Like an old man in a daze

It’s Trump time in America
He let the whole world know
Donald John is now in charge
There’s no more Sleepy Joe

He took his pen and signed
And signed
Then threw them to the crowd
Whoever caught that souvenir
Held it up so proud

So what did our new President
Instate on his first day
There were so many orders
It’s truly hard to say

I think you’d like to know them
They may affect your life
And be a source of fear and angst
To Democrats strife

First of all we ought to know
He told all the pretenders
There are only boys and girls
Not any other genders

He said it clear, without fear
You better get the gist
A Cartel member, anywhere
Is now a terrorist

There were reinstatements
Undo Obama’s folly
Mount Mckinley is the name
No more Mount Denali!

And speaking about naming
He said the world should know
America’s the gulf down south
Not Gulf of Mexico!

And with the swoop of that bold pen
He simply said good-bye
You’ll get a job on Merit
And not through DEI!

Goodbye to windmills cranking up
And power to us leased
The new Shelf Lands Act, says it all
This silliness has ceased

The Dems called January 6th
A day of Infamy
And with the power of his pen
The Donald said, “They’re free!”

Bolton and all those who lied
And cried “A Russian Hoax”
Lost their clearances like tat
With just one of his strokes

We have two great emergencies
Each one got an order
One was for our energy
The other for the border

The way the world does treat us
The US was betrayed
So you know what? Here’s what I got
I’m cutting foreign aid

Goodbye to helping UNRWA
The rest a ticking clock
But extend a bit of mercy
To help restore Tik-Toc

Re-routing Western waters
To flow despite the smelt
Perhaps will douse the burning flames
The hand he is now dealt

Paris Climate? Their accords
And Tax Deals made by Biden
Who ever has relied on them
Best go into hidin’

Exquisite structures we shall build
To glorify the state
No new regulations
The rules that he does hate

Let free speech throughout the land
Promoting price relief
Undoing every order from
The last one who was “Chief”

I think you get the picture
I’m not halfway done
The President seemed very pleased
He thought that this was fun!

I know we are all hopeful
I know we all are praying

I, too, hope for the best
And of course… I am…
Just saying



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